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.Monday, December 24, 2007 ' 4:05 PM Y

The first day I walked with her

I woke up that morning, nervous anxious and afraid
I thought to myself, this is the big date
I walked to the toilet and freshen myself
Nervous, happy and jumpy I looked like an elf

I called her up, she was sleeping it seems
I pictured her, hair messy by all means
I looked at the mirror again, smiling like mad
This was one day I promised not to be sad

We met at the mall, I bought her a gift
A bed of roses, or flowers it seems
We met and she laughed, pointing at me
My hair was out of place, gosh I was obscene!

We walked to the theatre, i paid for the show
We sat in our seats, joined hands and our soul
The movie was sad, tears flowed in our eyes
She leaned on my shoulder, my hand froze like ice

The movie soon ended, that moment too
I miss how she grabbed me, I felt like I flew
That day I’ll never forget, we walked back home
At the bus stop, where light never shone

A boy riding a bike rode too fast
He crashed into her, my heart fell apart
She was pushed to the road, saw an oncoming bus
She screamed and turned, looked at me and cried

That’s how it happened, my first date it seems
Curse you demons, monsters and fiends
She didn’t deserve this, her life was my soul
My heart filled with nothing, but an empty hole

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 4:03 PM Y

Kiss, it's my only wish

Know your limits, you've heard this before
Don't play a fool, it's becoming a law
Play by the rules and you're not going down
What if it's love that you've finally found

A soldier named john was called upon to war
A step to the real world, a step through a door
Leaving his loved ones, his memories and dreams
It wont be forever, or so it seems

And so that day came, he entered the war
He picked up his gun, saluted and prayed
The songs were sung, too much blood was shed
He saw his wife, then felt happy but sad

" Why are you here, this is no place for you "
" Coz i know this world isnt big enough for us two "
He hugged her and cried, whispered i love you
Words means just nothing, its about how you feel

The sky suddenly turned dark, planes flew in the camp
Two bombs dropped by the planes landed straight down on them
I sheltered her quickly, i guess i took the blow
My eyes widened and teared, it was too much to hold

She held me in her arms, promised it would be alright
I looked and her and said, Kiss me, just tonight
She never kissed me before, this time she couldnt hold back
I closed my eyes, there was nothing else that i lacked

The end

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 3:59 PM Y

This is a rather famous quote and i decided to write a poem on it

Your boy will break it, or waste it, or lose it. They all do.
You’ve heard this a million times, but have you wondered if it’s true
I watched love pass me by, from my little glass window
My friends who led a pretty life, and for some pain took its toll

Your boy will break it, or waste it or lose it, They all do
Love is so blind and just foolish I’ll admit I’m a fool
For a moment in life, you’d give your all for him
The next moment you fall, your life gone like the wind

Your boy will break it, or waste it or lose it. They all do
The next moment in life you ask why life is so cruel
You look into your coffee, You ask yourself things
Are people any different, be it thieves lords or kings

Your boy will break it, the heart just so weak
Your boy will waste it, Love can be so sick
Your boy will lose it, Your love drifts away
Feelings change, I’m so sorry to say.

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, November 30, 2007 ' 5:37 PM Y

My new poems...

Christmas, our first and only.

Winter flakes that fall down on our skin,
Reminds ourselves of life’s little things.
A word of hello or just simply, take care
It fills us with happiness we just want to share.

Its not just fun that winter brings,
But memories of love, pain and awful things.
I still remember that time when I held her close,
It’s the thing that defined Christmas the most.

That night I sat on my bed alone and afraid,
That night so awful, so cold, I said.
I looked at my phone, its lights never came on,
What I really wanted, was her to respond.

I sat, fraustrated, I couldn’t take more,
I picked up the phone and called her once and for all.
A different voice answered, my expression just changed
A solemn cold voice, Seemed like a ghost of winter.

I’m sorry, Kelly just can’t pick up the phone,
Why, I asked, immediately changing my tone
She’s left everything behind, she’s never coming back,
We’re outside the hospital, won’t you come Isaac?

I slammed down the phone, screamed and I cried,
I ran like a madman, How could she have died.
I arrived at the hospital, the nurse said they tried,
I stood there, afraid, cast under the light.

This was my first, the girl I really liked,
She was my ears, my touch and my sight
This Christmas together our first and our last,
Kelly, life with you was really a blast.

The end

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, October 26, 2007 ' 5:30 PM Y

My results sucks...

Gosh took my results yesterday with my parents from my form teacher. I must say its not very appealing, though i did try my best and put in effort for the exams. Got scolded at night for doing so badly. Dad said he's gonna ban me from using the pc, but heck, Lol as long as i wake up super early and use it when he's asleep, he cant stop me xD

Didn't have the mood to write more poems or continue with book 2 of my story. Lol just started playing audi again 2 days ago. Must say i'm quite the noob lol.

Crossed between the souls of two people
May lay a bond that will never crumble
One so strong the gods fear its wraith
One so powerful people shudder in its path

But when one loves one forgets to forgive
When one's heart is loved they know they'll receive
But when one heart is broken and shattered like glass
I guess they failed their life's only task

To love, and to forgive.

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, October 24, 2007 ' 8:44 AM Y

My 3 poems.

Broken hearts

The first time i laid eyes on you
You showed me what i never thought was true
Love shown on me like never before
The love i had could never fall

Then i waited more and more
What i wanted, i hope you saw
Time just passed, my love grew strong
I thought i would never do you wrong

The longer i waited, the more it hurt
Three years it has been, I must be absurd
That faithful day, i had a plan
And i wished to see us hand in hand

I called my friend, he agreed, then she called
I just kept silent, I hope she was fond.
It then came to her, He asked her how she felt
She spoke confidently, with words that made me melt.

Melt not because of love, but pain and regret
Tears of love, flowed down i was sad
I hung up the phone, heart broken into shards.
I guess thats how it goes, My broken heart.

Missing you

Everyday i look into your eyes
My love for you showed deep inside
I guessed i was foolish, but i was in love
But maybe i was just on the wrong turf

Then so it came the exams are gone
I thought to myself what more can go wrong
With all my heart now should i love you
Or with all my heart, stop my feelings for you

For years i have thought to myself what was wrong
Was it her or was i just a fool
perhaps i did wrong or was just despised
Or maybe i was really only deprived

For years i have thought how long i'd go on
For years i have said to myself just be strong
I hope one day i would be in your heart
Or else i would cry tears just full of blood

The big question is when you would let me in
Not into your house or some crazy inn
But into your heart and not just a fool
But for now, i guess i'm just missing you

My sorrowful soul

From whence you came into my life
I knew the reason why i'd survive
The shadow of you just passing by
Filled my heart with happiness for life

I asked and people said it could work out
I knew what i wanted without a doubt
I stared at her blindly for everyday
I would do what she says if it makes her day

She would ask for songs, help and stuff
At times she was so cold i needed earmuffs
But at times she was warm, just like the sun
talking to her just felt really fun

People around me were ignorant it seems
People who knew me knew nothing of this
One day my friend asked her if she loved me
I was so stunned i could drop on my knees

Then now i looked back in shame and in fear
You drew me in with all your allure
The tears in my eyes just kept wanting to flow
I guess thats me, My sorrowful soul.

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

. ' 8:41 AM Y

My first post.

I've made this blog probably to write about my life, and to showcase my works. recently i have created a book, a dota related fanfic and 3 poems i wrote...

Chapter 1 : The beginning

As Dawn breaks, A vacuum of light and darkness engulfed the evening tavern, causing the unscathed walls to crack and somehow crumble under the intense pressure of a certain lightning storm. Some people say it was lightning, struck on this tavern. Some say it was just some illusion. But there are some who say it was Razor, the lightning revenant.

A war fought between the ancient civilizations of the scourge and sentinal’s, Otherwise known as the battle of the Frozen throne, Soldiers who fought battled bravely, Soldiers who died fought to their last breath, upholding their pride and honor. While soldiers who survived this great war, were given fame, Fortune, Honor and pride beyond the very limits of what any god could have achieved. These people, were the ancients.

Conjured by a certain mystic force, a seemingly endless wave of creeps seemed to engulf the Battlefield with havoc and chaos, causing pain and misery to the ancients. As the ancients could not surrender their powers, they sealed their powers into 4 taverns, the Light tavern, morning tavern, Sunrise tavern, and dawn tavern.

The Power Caused by conjuring such a powerful spell destroyed every living creature walking on the face of this planet. Razor, the lightning revenant, otherwise known as the leader of the scourge empire, conjured up a lightning barrier, hoping to suppress the blast. However in vain, his powers were sealed into a tavern of his own. The evening tavern.

Now living peacefully in the continent of Sylphonia, people still do talk about how this city came about, how peace was ensured by the doings of the Ancients. Books were published, There were even shows on it. Everyone knew about the defense of the ancients, Or did they? The truth was, no one really knew what happened. The entire story began with the myth of such a war, the story patched up as it was spread from ear to ear, slowly the story was made and slowly, people started to believe it. What they don’t know is that slowly, the story was becoming real.

Chapter 2. The meeting

Azwraith lay on the bed, Eyes open, piecing together the tiny fragments of memories gathered from the past few days. Everything about that dream seemed so real, just waking up to reality again seemed like an illusion...

It was pitch dark. The wet white snow pelted on Azwraith, melting due to the heat of his body, droplets of water silently flowing down his blue fur cheeks. A weird, yet all too familiar smell seemed to fill the air he breathed upon. In front of him, stood a wolf, with dark blue eyes that resembled the ocean. Azwraith looked at him, filled with mixed feelings. Feelings of fear, yet peace and calmness seemed to emit from this holy white wolf. The feelings of fear was evanescent, He approached the silent figure.

Dreams like this kept occurring; Nightmares of scenes forgotten in the war of the ancient’s seemed to draw back to him as if he was the witness of this ancient war. That day, Azwraith went to the Seifeirial falls, a peaceful spot for him to recollect all his memories and thoughts. That faithful day, Azwraith encountered a white wolf, one similar to the same creature he encountered in his dreams. The figure approached him…

“ Azwraith my dear boy, My name is Mirana Nightshade, I come to you, to help discover the answers that you seek, but I must warn you that by knowing your past, and the tragic event that is occurring now, there will be no more turning back. “ The Wolf figure spoke, covered in a holy white aura of what appears to be a barrier or some sort.

“I will do anything. Ever since I began my existence on this planet, I have lived a life of loneliness. Seeking answers to my dreams, to my past. I have nothing more to lose “ Azwraith said, Clenching his spear.

At that very moment, screams were heard from his town. Lightning bolts bombarded the the little town of Alchemia, Brining upon screams of pain and tears of sadness. In that moment, every memory that Azwraith had in that town seemed to vanish. Tears flowed down his cheeks.

“Come over boy, we don’t have much time to waste. The evil is rising, the rebirth of the lightning revenant is upon us, this will be a time of great evil. The lord of darkness is rising, the Lich, lord of the new world is finishing what his master started 2000 years ago. “

Chapter 3. The art of war

The holy falls of Astra. the very last stand of the mighty war of the ancients. It was this very place, this place in which the last standing soldier was killed. A place which brings pain to their people, and the sound of the falling water seems to bring about beautiful voices, the voices of the naga sirens.

Azwraith followed Mirana to a dark valley, for he would receive his training in this very place. Azwraith felt lost, worried and began to perspire. Trembling, he spoke,

“ Where are we, and where are we headed. “

There was no response. Azwraith attempted to feel his way through this valley. Slowly approaching in the both directions, he came across a wall and walked close to it. It seemed that this was his first stage of training. Drawing his spear, he walked around cautiously, waiting to strike back at any signs of movement.

“ Good, you are well prepared. Never strike first, Rely on your senses. Focus. For depending on solely your sight can lead to your demise. “ came an echo.

“ Yes master. “ Azwraith replied, staggering but yet putting on a brave front.

And so the training began. Blood spilled like water in a fountain. There was screams of pain, and cries of frustration filling the entire valley. This was no easy task for a warrior never trained in combat. The training lasted an entire one week.

Painfully bruised, blood spilling everywhere, Azwraith hadn’t slept for an entire week, still in the heat of the training. That moment, Azwraith was so tired, he hardly could keep his eyes open, as it was swollen up from the crying due to the immense pain. He wanted this to end.

In that very moment, what seemed like a bat flew pass him. The bat emitted a loud screech which echoed threw the entire valley. At that moment, an idea struck him.

Immediately, Azwraith closed his eyes. He tried to relax and tried to draw in the sounds from the surrounding. There was nothing. He waited, and waited. At that very moment, a sound of a footstep was heard beside him. Almost instantly, he drew his spear and stabbed the spot in which the sound was heard.

And that was it. The warm light of the morning sun seemed to majestically flow into the dark valley. Azwraith put his hand over his eyes, shielding from the intense glare from the sun. Nothing felt this good. He felt stronger.

“ Well done my young boy. You have done well. Come, time is wasting. The battle has begun in the Ashrale hills. It seems that the lich has sent his apprentice the doombringer to destroy the sentinals. I’m afraid that they would not be able to withstand the wraith of the doombringer. “ said his master.

“ But I’m afraid, I don’t think I’m prepared. “ Azwraith murmured.

“ That remains to be said my boy “ Said his master, Gallantly riding into the horizon.

At that moment, Azwraith looked back, and saw a blue figure of what appears to be his clone. It then disappeared, he looked into the horizon. All he could do was smile.

Chapter 4. The invasion

The horns of battle, the screams of death, the silent chill of the frosted battlefield.

It wasn’t like any other day. Courageous soldiers and heroes alike fought gallantly as they faced their doom. Awaiting the final orders of Mirana, The elite army withstood the attacks as they awaited the arrival of their leader. Their first three lines of defense were already broken. All that was left was them, and Lucifer, the doombringer.

Just staring at this marvel of strength and power seemed to inject fear into the soldiers almost instantly. Some were petrified at the sight of this creature. Others just stood like dummies, dumbfounded by such power. With the aid of his soldiers, Lucifer was invincible. Devouring almost every soldier that stood in his path.

The elite army could no longer bear to watch and see their soldiers scream in pain, suffering in the cold winter battlefield. Therefore, they deployed their entire army, in an attempt to destroy Lucifer. As soon as they made eye contact, Mirana and Azwraith bursted through the gates.

“ What in the name of god is this creature! “ Exclaimed Azwraith

“ Lucifer, the doombringer… But why would he do this! “ Mirana shouted, stunned

“ What do you mean master? “ Azwraith replied, confused

“ Lucifer was my student once, Why would he turn his back on us! “ Mirana said.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield was engulfed in flames. Lucifer Charged towards us, destroying everything in its path. His eyes were red like the very flames he casted.

“ He’s possessed! “ Shouted Mirana.

Almost immediately, Mirana spotted a glowing red orb attached to his mask. It seemed to be controlling him. At that moment, Lucifer casted Doom, Which almost took out the entire army. Troubled, Mirana told Azwraith to stand back. This was a battle she had to handle herself.

Leaping forward, Mirana channeled all her energy and focused on his orb. Azwraith couldn’t bear to stand by and watch her handle Lucifer all alone, So he came unnoticed from his back, Attempting to distract him.

Upon noticing Azwraith, Lucifer charged towards him, Casting a Spell only mastered by a few great warriors, the lvlDeath. When it hit Azwraith, it was like his very life was being sucked out from his soul. It’s pain unbearable. He saw Lucifer charge up his sword, getting ready to strike. Azwraith closed his eyes.

A sharp shattering sound awoken Azwraith. When he opened his eyes, He noticed Lucifer was stunned. His looks, dazed. Looking down, Azwraith noticed the orb that controlled Lucifer was destroyed. Soon after, Lucifer regained conscious.

This defeat was not to be taken lightly. The lich king was mad. And he wanted revenge. Channeling all his powers into a great orb of energy he casted it into the ocean. Slowly, Dark clouds gathered, Mighty winds blew the ocean into a vortex of swirling water. Soon after, a large dark image appeared from under the ocean. Flying into the sky.

Thinking it was some kind of signal for the dark lord, Mirana and Azwraith ignored the sign and brought Lucifer to safety. Thinking the first waves of attack was over was the biggest mistake they ever made. In the horizon, a humongous wave of creeps came swarming down the mountain. The dark lord wanted War, And he wasn’t planned on giving second chances.

Chapter 5. The retreat.

When screams of death are heard. Or when everything you have ever pinned your hopes on, when the light of dawn refuses to shine down on the holy battlefield. When the tears of faith, and love flow down the very soul of every living creature on this planet. Do some stay and fight for the honor and glory they very much desire? Or do they regroup and hide, Awaiting an opportunity to fight back… The final battle is upon us. The decision has been made. Let the story begin…

The flags were raised, the horns were sounded. The entire elite army retreated further back the mountains.

“ This is madness. The creeps summoned by the dark lord will vanquish us all. They may not be strong alone but in numbers, they can destroy anything “ Cried the leader of the elite army.

“ We do not have a choice, we have to think of something. “ Mirana whispered, petrified by the current situation.

They stared at each other, neither side could come up to a decision. When suddenly a loud voice emerged from the shadows.

“ We regroup. We shall fight. We will not lose to the very evil that has crushed the faith of millions of creatures and humans alike. “ Exclaimed Lucifer, emerging from the shadows, fully armed, His eyes burnt with flaming courage. He was ready for war, and he wasn’t ready to lose.

“ Legends have spoken of a hidden tavern, one that lay beneath the darkest depths of Astra. Many have tried to find it, But none survived. Legend speaks of a army so strong, nothing on the face of this planet can match up against it. The Gaia falls, Beneath it is where this tavern lies. “ Replied a solemn and dull voice, a stranger bearing the scars of war and cloaked in a large black cape.

“ Then that would be our only hope. We must move immediately. “ Mirana ordered.

“ Yes master, lets be on our way “ Azwraith replied.

“ Wait, Let me help you. If what this legend speaks of is true, you would need my help to gain the help of this army. If it’s a show of power they will want to see, Or a battle to death , I will stay loyal by your side master. “ Lucifer replied.

“ Then its decided. We shall move out. “ Mirana commanded, walking out of the hut.

The Gaia falls. Otherwise known as the Secret falls, Survived the test of time, strength and millions of curious minds who wanted to discover its secret. Its rocks, laid perfectly intact. Its structure, simply stunning, taking the breath away of anyone who laid eyes on its majestic features.

“ Come my boy, we have not come here for sightseeing “ Mirana said.

“ But.. But… Yes master. “ Azwraith obeyed, unable to let go of the beautiful view he saw.

At the back, Lucifer tossed his blade around his body. His swordsmanship was superb, he was trained in fighting with a blade ever since he was borned. Abandoned on the streets, Mirana picked him up, just like Azwraith and trained him in combat. Lucifer was strong enough to sometimes evenly match his master, however his master was never afraid that one day Lucifer would surpass him. For he had every bit of faith in Lucifer.

An explosion was suddenly heard coming from the Gaia falls. Lucifer, being the fastest, ran over to see what was happening. That very moment, the three heroes stood stunned, frozen to the ground. In front of them stood not one, not two, but six Netherdrakes, Summoned by the dark lord.

“ What in the name of god is this… this… ATROCITY!!! “ shouted Mirana, crouching downward, prepared to battle.

Azwraith simply stood silently, stunned beyond belief.

“ Azwraith get a grip! Master, we came here to fight, we came here on a mission. Finding the lost army would end this whole thing. Countless have died. Are you willing to let them die in vain just because we are faced with such an obstacle? “ commanded Lucifer, Heated and ready to battle.

“ What do you say my boy. Are you ready? “ Mirana asked Azwraith.

“ I have lost everything I ever loved. My family, my home, and even all the people I used to have memories with. What more is there to lose. If I am to die, I would die a hero, not a coward. “

“ Then lets do it. “ Lucifer replied.

Chapter 6. The final push

It wasn’t like any other day. Too much blood has been spilled. Too much tears for the slain have been shed. Someone had to end this, and Azwraith knew he had a chance.

The loud screeches of the Netherdrakes drove fear deep into the hearts of the heroes. Even Lucifer was intimidated. However, they didn’t show any signs of fear. They stood their ground, and were ready to fight to their final breath.

“ Azwraith! Get going and find the lost army! We may not be able to kill them but we can hold them off. If there is someone capable of finding them, its you! “ Mirana shouted, confident yet unsure of his safety.

“ But….but… Yes master. “ Azwraith replied, no longer hesitating as scenes of warriors and friend alike dying flashed before his eyes.

Immediately, Azwraith channeled his energy and turned invisible. He ran under the falls and disappeared from their sight.

“ Master, He has matured. “ Lucifer complimented, satisfied.

“ It is only under times of great peril where someone would reveal their true colors, Don’t you agree? “ Mirana replied, looking back at him curiously.

“ Agreed. “ Lucifer whispered, drawing his enormous blade.

“ Then lets take this last stand. For all of Astra, for our friends, for our family, and for the ancients! “ Mirana exclaimed heroically.

It was dark. The caverns that laid beneath the Gaia falls filled with a stench of death and it seemed to emit an aura of fear. The walls were slimy, water dripped from the ceilings and echoed through the entire cavern.

“ Who is this who wishes to pass through this holy sanctuary! “ A mysterious voice echoed through the entire cavern.

“ I am Azwraith, warrior of the ancients, and I wish to speak to the ancient forgotten army, one spoken of in legends, which holds the power to change the world. “ Azwraith shouted back, unshaken.

“ Very well. Only the purest of hearts can meet the leader of this army. To pass, you will need to complete three tasks, of which will prove your worth. Heed my warnings, none have passed. You may have a choice to attempt to leave now, and die a quick death. Or you may choose to take the test, and die a very painful death if you fail. “ the mysterious voice answered.

“ I came here on a mission, to save all the faith, hopes and dreams of the people. If I have come here only to turn back and give up, then I must be a fool. For I shall not give in to anything. I will succeed. “ Azwraith exclaimed.

“ Very well. It seems I am unable to change your decision. You have passed the first test, please make your way through. “ the mysterious voice replied.

Azwraith continued through the cavern, stunned at what happened. The first test was simple. It was a test of courage, a test of heart.

“ Now you shall begin your second task. In here are three taverns. Two of which holds a hero you shall face. One of them is Pudge, the butcher and the second would be Pugna, the oblivion. And the final tavern will be your way to the next task. A warning though, after your tavern is chosen, if you fail to die, the taverns will reset and shuffle. Killing of these heroes will lead you to the next task. Many have perished, now make your choice.“ the mysterious voice spoke.

Three orbs glowing in a white light floated up to him. He had to choose one. Perhaps this was a task of courage again, in which choosing any would lead to the next task… But what if it isn’t, he thought. He had to choose something. He lifted his paw, and touched the middle one.

“ FRESH MEAT! “ an atrocious voice echoed through the cavern.

It had seemed that it wasn’t a test of courage. And that the enemy was real.

Azwraith drew his spear, closed his eyes and drew the surrounding sounds in. It was just like his training. That image of the bat flashed through his memories. Everything was silent. Through combat and real-life experiences, his senses improved, he could sense a pin drop on the battlefield if he focused. Something glided past him. Azwraith positioned himself sideways to have lesser areas for the enemy to strike at. He waited… and waited… The silence brought upon fear, fear beyond that of any creature he ever faced.
Then, there was a movement.

Like lightning, Azwraith launched his spear forward.

“ FRESH MEE…ARGHH “ Shouted the voice from the darkness.

“ Wonderful job young one. It seems you may pass the test. For only the purest of heart can enter. And you have displayed skills and attitudes far surpassing the others. “ T=the mysterious voice started again.

At that moment, the last door opened. In front, a figure of a woman, badly injured and poisoned, crying on the ground.

“ This is madness! MORTRED!!!! “ Azwraith screamed, rushing over to help.

Mortred was Azwraith’s greatest friend. Two years ago, a lightning storm occurred and she never returned. Azwraith was devastated beyond belief. He swore to find her and get revenge on whoever took her away.

Lying injured, infront of Azwraith was his friend. He was speechless.

“ Now, you shall make two choices. “ The mysterious voice said

From beneath, Chained and shackled was Mirana and Lucifer.

“ Make your ultimate decision. Your past friend, or your master. “ The mysterious voice said.

“ But how can I choose! This is madness! What test of the purest of hearts is this! I CANT CHOOSE!!!! “ Azwraith screamed.

“ Then they shall both perish. “ The mysterious voice replied.

A large spear emerged from the walls, in position to pierce both his master, Lucifer and Mortred.

Stunned, Azwraith had to choose, and he had to choose fast. Without hesitation, he stood in front of the spear and took the blow.

The elite army stood their ground in Ashrale hills. They had almost lost all hope. The lich emerged and fought alongside his army. They stormed the front, and totally crushed all who stood in their way. All that was left, was ashes. Now, All that was left was the noble captain, and the lich, together with his enormously large army.

“ Thou shall not pass! I shall guard this hill with my life. I have sworn my loyalty to whence my master shall return. You will not be allowed to break my promise to my master. Fight and perish! “ The captain shouted, drawing his blades.

“ Good, die in honor! For none will be given to the slain, for I am the dark lor… “ Shouted the lich, interrupted.


“ The sacred army! “ the captain shouted

The army flooded through the mountains, crushing whatever remains of evil was left. They swarmed the battlefield. Their numbers were in not millions, neither billions. Their numbers were endless. The army just kept flooding through.

From that day on, this sacred battle was recorded in history. Azwraith was a legend. And Mortred turned out to be the captain of the sacred army. Mirana set up a school, teaching young heroes on the basics of self defence and Lucifer lead the entire sentinel army.

Perhaps the cold winter and bloodshed wasn't all in vain.

Until next time…

Yours truly,


Words from the author:

This entire journey has somehow been enriching and fun. It may have been tedious to write it, but the comments from you, my fellow readers have been great. I'll be making book 2 soon enough. Storm of the ancients.
I would like to take this time to thank...

Watereagle, for your endless support and for introducing me to this forum

BLitzwartank, for giving me your support

Craz, for fixing my grammatica on the first story, it motivated me to do better.

Louis, for showing me that my stories helped you reminisce in your past memories.

The guy who created this forum =D

For all that i missed, i'm very sorry T_T

Thanks for reading =D

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N Credits '

Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes♥
Codings : xx .
Image : Paint, xxx
Cursors : x